What's So Grand About Gunung Padang?

Gunung Padang megalithic site is a National Cultural Reserve located near the village of Cianjur Regency West Java, Indonesia. We took a one-day tour, May 17th, offered by bogorprivatetourguide.com. We were coming from Yogyakarta by train to Bandung. Our driver picked us up here in the morning. After our visit, he dropped us at our hotel in Bogor. Really convenient.

Some Controversy
On October 20, 2023, the technical journal Archaeological Prospection published the peer-reviewed paper entitled “Geoarchaeological Prospecting of Gunung Padang Buried Pre-Historic Pyramid in West Java, Indonesia,” published by Wiley Publishing. Authors were Danny Hilman Natawidjaja, et al.

After an atypical formal post-publication review, following anonymously submitted objections, the paper was surprisingly retracted by the publisher on January 31, 2024. For more, see The Unjust Retraction of Groundbreaking Research: A Call for Academic Integrity - Graham Hancock Official Website https://grahamhancock.com/natawidjajadh1/


We like the UnchartedX video above and watched it a couple times before our visit.

Also, if you have access to Netflix, we recommend episode one of Graham Hancock’s series called Ancient Apocalypse. It’s all about Gunung Padang, including meeting the lead geologist on the investigative team.

Some history of the site (reference):
The Gunung Padang Megalithic Site is a historical site that is 10,000 years old. The first discovery of this mountain site was published in the Rapporten van de Oudheidkundige Dienst (ROD, "Bulletin of the Antiquities Service") in 1914. However, the site was forgotten for many years. Until 1979, several local residents discovered the existence of a pile of large square stones, which then began to be researched by the National Archaeological Research Center, Bandung Archaeological Center.

The site size is about 3 hectares, the largest terraced punden complex in Southeast Asia. The location of the site has steep hills, is difficult to reach, and has many large square-shaped andesite stones, making local residents consider this site a sacred place.

The name Gunung Padang comes from Nagara Siang Padang. The meaning of Padang in Sundanese is light or light. Local people connect the name Gunung Padang with Jabal Nur in Saudi Arabia which has the same meaning, namely a shining mountain.

The Gunung Padang Megalithic Site has its own charm, and is related to the number five. The attraction consists of five terraces, surrounded by five hills, facing five mountains, each rock has five sides, with beautiful natural views and local cultural sites.

According to stories passed down from generation to generation by local residents, the punden terraces with five terraces contain a very deep meaning.

Core 1

On this core 1, there is something called Eyang Pembuka Lawang. In this core, there are two large menhirs of which now only one is still standing. Philosophically, it is used as a symbol of opening and preparing the heart before entering the area of ​​worship. Then there is one called Gunung Masigit/ Mosque, where there are two menhirs that are tilted like people prostrating. The direction of prostration is towards Mount Gede.

Core 2

Terrace 2 is called the Crown of the World. On this site, many people are greeted with understanding, because people meditate and repent at this place to ask for something, for example wealth.

Even though it's actually not like that. The World Crown is actually a symbol of world honor, which means why do we have abundant wealth if we don't share it with other people. Because at the World Crown there is a stone called Lumbung Stone, a symbol of mutual sharing.

Core 3

On this terrace, there is a stone called the Kujang Palm. The kujang is an heirloom weapon of the Sundanese people. The stone is right in the center of the Gunung Padang Site. In ancient times the stone stood, but now it has collapsed.

The name of the Kujang heritage weapon comes from the word ku-ujang, which means by you. Therefore, the meaning and significance of Mount Padang must be held firmly by ourselves.

Core 4

On this terrace, there is a Kanuragan Stone/Testing Stone with a symbol of strength. Many people think that if they succeed in lifting the stone their prayers will be answered, but that is a wrong understanding. The basic reason why Kanuragan Stone is located on the 4th terrace means that you are welcome to continue your journey to the fifth or highest level, as long as you are able to climb to reach the previous levels.

Core 5

On terrace 5, there is a place that is like a king's throne. It is said that local residents believe that the throne is the King of Siliwangi's throne, which functions as a resting place with a peaceful atmosphere.

Regarding the orientation of the Mount Padang site that leads to Mount Gede, it has a deep spiritual meaning because that place was a place of worship and gathering of people in the past. Whereas in ancient times, Mount Gede was considered a symbol of the Qibla facing the worship of the Almighty.